Andreas Hadjioannou

About Andreas

Andreas Hadjioannou is the Founder and Group CEO, and head of Private Equity & Venture Capital investment strategies for the group. He is a finance professional with a passion for continuous learning in all areas of business, from leadership and personal development, to the intricacies of AI in all aspects of finance, and a firm believer that personal growth and the quest for knowledge drive progress at all levels of a business and society itself. Andreas has a passion for looking at asymmetric opportunities in all areas of investment, as well as being an active business angel in startup companies in deep tech sectors.

Andreas has a proven track record in private and public investments and has gained a wealth of investment experience and strategic acumen through his various roles in transaction advisory, portfolio management, investment committees and board positions, and over 50 direct venture capital and private equity transactions.

He holds an Economics & Finance undergraduate degree from the University of Manchester and a Master’s degree in Actuarial Science from the Bayes Business School of City University of London. Andreas’ leadership, vision, and strategic application of technology are instrumental to Nomuscapital’s path and more importantly, to the support and success of our clients.

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