Family Offices

Embrace your family’s uniqueness and explore tailored solutions. Successful families understand they need the mechanisms and planning that professional advisors bring to achieve long term wealth growth, smooth transitions in succession and deliver the family legacy envisioned by the Principal. Embracing this challenge, Nomuscapital works with single and multi-family offices, delivering the spectrum of services and advice needed to meet the family’s goals.

Lack of transparency or internal structure

Lack of transparency or lack of internal structure creates information gaps leading to suboptimal decision making. We help bridge these gaps.

Compliance & reporting issues

Reporting in a timely manner is critical for regulatory and stakeholder requirements. We provide all necessary information and reports to our family office clients for all vehicles managed by us.

In house teams blocked with non-value creating tasks

Growing portfolios bring challenges to internal structures, with teams distracted by the magnitude and complexity of investments executed in the absence of professional and fast reports.

Your Trusted Partner

We are deeply committed to supporting each Family’s vision

Get in touch today

A strategic partner to your Family Office. At Nomuscapital, we provide bespoke solutions to family offices at the family, business, and ownership levels, that strengthen family relationships and enhance business effectiveness and investment objectives.

Successful multigenerational families understand that it takes an effort to keep the growing family and shareholder group educated, aligned, and united. Use our SPVs, Private Funds and our wealth management vehicles like insurance policies or Trusts, to manage investments, protect wealth and create the environment that brings continuity and generational transfer of wealth.

Our Solutions

Holding an investment typically includes dealing with cross border legal, compliance and tax considerations, not only from the Family’s side but also depending on the type and location of the investment.

Our holistic approach and involvement ensure the investment is held in an efficient and effective structure, providing the family with the opportunity to optimise the investment’s holding period, income flows and exit method.

Launch an SPV with an integrated bank account and deploy the Family’s capital to your selected investment.

Bring in co-investors and set clear operational and governance rules at each layer of the structure.

Our Fund solutions combine the stability of the Family’s committed capital fund with the flexibility of deal-by-deal investing.

Built on our infrastructure, a Fund benefits from automated banking, compliance, contracts, tax, and reporting solutions that unlock value and support the Family’s internal structure.

We help you diversify your investments and pursue a strategic asset allocation suitable for your Family’s circumstances.

Build an endowment-quality portfolio containing public investments and private opportunities across real estate, venture capital, private equity and credit.

Risks come in many shapes. Manage and protect the Family’s wealth by using legally tested, professionally managed solutions and target long term wealth growth and a smooth transition in succession.

Family Office Statistics

45% Strategic Allocation to Alternative Assets (including real estate) by Family Offices*
42% Family Offices with a wealth succession plan in place *
31% Family Offices that still manage administrative tasks*
42% Family Offices with a governance framework*

*UBS Global Family Office Report 2023

“Nomuscapital operates with a level of professionalism that sets an outstanding standard in their field. Their flexibility and unwavering commitment to prioritizing their clients’ needs are truly commendable. Every request we have made, no matter how complex or time-sensitive, has been met with the utmost efficiency, consistently exceeding our expectations. Without hesitation, we endorse and recommend Nomuscapital.”

Group General Counsel Family Office Client

Get Started

Are you ready to explore your investment options? Work with us to achieve your investment goals.